(🇫🇷/🇬🇧 sub) How to transform your e-commerce into a Marketplace
Course Overview
🇫🇷 Découvrez comment limiter les différents impacts d'un projet Marketplace dans votre organisation.
Système d'information, change management et expérience client, nos experts de la Marketplace vous donnent les clés d'un projet réussi, avec un time-to-market optimisé !
🇬🇧 Discover how to limit the various impacts of a Marketplace project on your organisation.
From information systems to change management ans customer experience, our Marketplace experts will give you the keys to a successful project, with an optimized time-to-market!
What You'll Learn
Speakers who are experts in Marketplace topics
Speakers who are experts in Marketplace topics
COO @Marjory
🇫🇷 Vikram Ramdul cumule plus de 15 ans d'expérience dans le e-commerce et les Marketplaces. Il a participé au lancement de nombreuses Marketplaces BtoB et BtoC telles que La Redoute, Alltricks et Accor.
Vikram intervient dans les phases de cadrage technico-fonctionnel ainsi que dans la phase d'exploitation des Marketplaces powered by Marjory.
🇬🇧 Vikram Ramdul has over 15 years of experience in e-commerce and marketplaces. He has participated in the launch of many B2B and B2C Marketplaces such as La Redoute, Alltricks and Accor.Vikram is involved in the technical and functional framing phases as well as in the operation phase of Marketplaces powered by Marjory.
Functional Consultant @Marjory
🇫🇷 Emilie Queste a plus de 10 ans d'expertise en e-commerce et Marketplaces. Elle a notamment travaillé pour La Redoute au moment du lancement de la Marketplace, chez Ceetrus ou encore Ollca.
Ancienne responsable comptes clefs Marketplace, responsable des partenariats Marketplace et chef de projet Marketplace, Emilie connait les problématiques liées à la mise en place d'un modèle Marketplace.
🇬🇧 Emilie Queste has more than 10 years of expertise in e-commerce and Marketplaces. She has worked for La Redoute at the time of the launch of the Marketplace, for Ceetrus and for Ollca.As a former Marketplace key account manager, Marketplace partnership manager and Marketplace project manager, Emilie knows the issues involved in setting up a Marketplace model.
🇬🇧 Emilie Queste has more than 10 years of expertise in e-commerce and Marketplaces. She has worked for La Redoute at the time of the launch of the Marketplace, for Ceetrus and for Ollca.As a former Marketplace key account manager, Marketplace partnership manager and Marketplace project manager, Emilie knows the issues involved in setting up a Marketplace model.
Pierre-Alain BALY
CEO @1up Agency
🇫🇷 Pierre-Alain Baly est un expert reconnu dans les projets de transformation omni-commerce. D'abord directeur e-commerce de plusieurs grandes entreprises, il est, par la suite, devenu Responsable des Partenariats et Activités Commissionnées chez Auchan Retail France où il était notamment en charge du cross-canal et des marques blanches.
Aujourd'hui, il a fondé et dirige 1up Agency, qui accompagne les entreprises dans leurs projets de transformation omni-commerce.
🇬🇧 Pierre-Alain Baly is a recognised expert in omni-commerce transformation projects. He started out as an e-commerce director for several large companies and then became Head of Partnerships and Commissioned Activities at Auchan Retail France, where he was responsible for cross-channel and white labels.Today, he founded and manages 1up Agency, which assists companies in their omni-commerce transformation projects.
🇬🇧 Pierre-Alain Baly is a recognised expert in omni-commerce transformation projects. He started out as an e-commerce director for several large companies and then became Head of Partnerships and Commissioned Activities at Auchan Retail France, where he was responsible for cross-channel and white labels.Today, he founded and manages 1up Agency, which assists companies in their omni-commerce transformation projects.